The Hollybush Bar & Restaurant

Restaurant & Bar branding identity


At BMDC, we approached The Hollybush Bar & Restaurant branding identity project with a deep appreciation for its history and values. Our goal was to develop a cohesive brand identity that embodied the essence of The Hollybush while positioning it as a modern, vibrant destination.

Discovery & Research

We began with a comprehensive discovery phase, immersing ourselves in The Hollybush’s story, values, and vision. Through interviews with staff and patrons, market analysis, and competitor reviews, we gained valuable insights into what makes The Hollybush special and how it stands out in the local dining scene.
the hollybush bar restaurant logo brand identity design

Brand Strategy

With our findings, we crafted a brand strategy centred on critical themes: heritage, quality, and community. We aimed to highlight The Hollybush’s rich history, its commitment to using fresh, local ingredients, and its role as a gathering place for friends and family.

the hollybush bar restaurant logo brand identity design
the hollybush bar restaurant logo brand identity design
the hollybush bar restaurant logo brand identity design

Brand Collateral

The Hollybush Bar & Restaurant’s rebranding has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from both long-time patrons and new visitors. The refreshed brand identity has successfully captured the essence of The Hollybush, reinforcing its position as a beloved local gem and attracting a wider audience.